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"fostering prosperity and equality for the local economy"

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It is our duty as Chamber leaders to encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote.
To be the top leading advocate for support and success of minority and women owned businesses by providing resources, information and education.
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Grand Prairie, Texas is dedicated to providing leadership, advocacy, visibility, education, connectivity and economic development.
Goals- to provide value to our members by offering programs, resources and opportunities of value to ensure our members receive quality value and professional services.
Pledge- We are committed to treating our members with the highest level of professionalism, respect and equality deserved.
At The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce EVERYONE is WELCOME regardless ethnicity. We are committed to being a strong advocate for ALL and ANY business, entrepreneur or individual interested in our organization.
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a the only HISPANIC Chamber in the City of Grand Prairie, our organization is collaborating with other Hispanic Chamber's in Texas to ensure we
bring more programs and resources to assist our membership and we keep our membership informed on all legislative issues.
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Grand Prairie is part of the Texas Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Coalition
"Inclusiveness is about embracing diversity and ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, contribute and thrive."
Mary Dominguez -
Founder President/CEO
La Mision de la camara de comercio hispana de Grand Prairie es ser una alianza de apoyo y soporte para nuestras pequeñas y medianas empresas y mujeres emprendedoras asistiéndoles con recursos y servicios informativos, educación financiera sin dejar de promover y preservar nuestra cultura hispana.
Nuestra meta es proveerle a nuestros miembros programas de valor y oportunidades que sirvan de apoyo para el crecimiento y desarrolló empresarial.
Nuestro compromiso es tratar a todos nuestros socios con el debido respeto equidad y profesionalismo que cada cual merece, "lo que hacemos para uno, lo hacemos para todos".
Nuestros eventos son totalmente bilingües, estamos listos para apoyarlos, invierta en su empresa, invierta en esta, su nueva alianza empresarial.
La Camara de Comercio Hispana de Grand Prairie cuenta con el apoyo total de nuestro cabildo (ciudad) por tal motivo usted puede visitar la pagina de la ciudad y encontrar nuestro link , estamos trabajando juntos con una misma meta SERVIR a nuestra COMUNIDAD.
La Camara de Comercio Hispana de Grand Prairie es la unica camara hispana sirviendo a nuestra comunidad hispanoparlante,
Gracias- City of Grand Prairie Ron Jensen Mayor
Invierta en Grand Prairie una ciudad que brinda oportunidades para todos.
Grand Prairie is a GRAND place to call home!
Thank you to our Board Members & Ambassadors -
Executive Board Members & Directors
*Mary Dominguez -
Email conqmary@aol.com 972-480-7501
Founder/ President-CEO
The Associates Business Consulting LLC /
North Texas Elite Special Events
*Patty Aldape - Aleri Group Brokers
2024 - Chairwoman 817-705-0367
Email Admin@alerigroup.com
*Lilian Bonilla - Lilis Salvadorean Restaurant Email - lilianb1975@yahoo.com
VP - President
Dawn Inocencio Blubaugh - VP -Prosperity Bank Dawn.Inocencio@prosperitybankusa.com
Elizabeth Guerra Dallas College eguerra@dallascollege.edu
Priscilla Silva - Priscillas0725@gmail.com
Silva Signs LLC Small Business Owner
Imelda Quilantan - Mi Familia Income Tax Services mifamiiataxservices@gmail.com
Advisory Board -
1 year on Advisory Board service is required before joining the
Board of Directors
Jesus Avelar Assistant VP Frost Bank/Corporate Banking
2710 N. Beltline Rd. Suite 100
Irving, Texas 75052 Tel. 214-515-4737
Email Jesus.Avelar@frostbank.com
Petrina Higgins - Business Diversity Admin- City of Grand Prairie
300 W. Main St.
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
Tel. 972-237-8095
Requirements - Member in good standing for at least 1 year
Investment - $500 plus regular membership
Non-Compete Clause
Candidate must not be on another chamber board.
HCCGP collaborates and works with the highest ethical standards
we do not compete, we collaborate with all.
Submit letter of interest for consideration to info@grandprairiehispanicchamber.org
Visit the City of Grand Prairie' s website for a full layout of departments, resources and upcoming events.
Thank you Wells Fargo Bank for sponsoring this incredible event.
Collaboration was immaculate with all DFW Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce GP
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Irving
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dallas
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Fort Worth and Regional Hispanic Contractors Association
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Small Business Development Center is located at
2100 Virginia Dr. Ste. B, Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
2100 Virginia Dr. Ste. B Grand Prairie, Texas 75051, United Sta
Office 972-639-3778 / Direct Cell 972-480-7501 info@grandprairiehispanicchamber.org
Open today | 09:00 am – 04:00 pm |
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